Reformation Celebration
It was Martin Luther (1483-1546) who sparked the Reformation when he nailed his Ninety-Five Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Church. He did this on October 31, 1517...489 years ago. The 95 Theses were a call to discuss how to reform the church and was an attack on papal abuses and the sale of indulgences. This act changed the landscape of the church from that day on.
Other Reformers of note were Martin Bucer (1491-1551), Philip Melanchthon (1497–1560), Ulrich Zwingli (1484 - 1531), William Tyndale (1496 - 1561), John Knox (1505 - 1572), John Calvin (1509-1564) and Theodore Beza (1519-1605).
As Christians, we have something significant to celebrate and focus on when October 31 rolls around. God in His sovereignty gave Christians something real to celebrate on that day...not just a Fall Festival or Havest Party...but the Reformation! We should not be caught up in Halloween and all the evil that is associated with it. No matter how innocent you think your participation is, it is still associated with something that is the antithesis of the Christian life. If there was a day that celebrated something evil like abortion, would we as Christians associate ourselves with that in *any* way. The answer is a resounding NO. So why on earth, would we every choose to dress our children up and send them out to gather candy from strangers, on a high holy night for Satan's followers?
A couple of places to read up a little about Halloween that might change the way you think if it is just *innocent* in your mind....
To read one article Click Here
To read another article Click Here
Enjoy your evening. Just remember what you are celebrating tonight when you choose to participate in Halloween activities or Reformation activities!