Saturday, October 14, 2006

Parent Appreciation

No, this is not an article about how my children should appreciate us more as their parents....that will come in time. This is actually an appeal to all of us as adults, to appreciate *our* parents more.

My parents live about 1600 miles away from us. Actually, we live 1600 miles away from them. It was six years ago that we moved away from them and all of my family. It was a lonely experience, but at the same time, an adventure. Being married to a Pastor brings definite adventures into the life!

My parents left this morning after a 9 day visit. I bawled like a baby. I love my parents. They are good people and have been good parents my sister and to me. Growing up was a good experience in our home. We had two parents, a father who worked hard to provide for us and a mother who cared for us at home. We had a beautiful house, all the necessities of life and then some. We were loved, not hated. We were encouraged, not discouraged. We were cared for, not neglected. Humanly speaking, we had a home life to be proud of. It was not perfect, but it was a good home. Although we had all of that, we were missing something of first importance....Jesus Christ.

I was saved at the age of 19 when I went away to university. It was not until 16 years later that God opened my mother's heart and graciously saved her. Then, the following year, God mercifully saved my father....on Father's Day!! I praise God daily for the mercy He has shown our family. The dynamics of our relationship has changed so drastically since they have become Christians. Not only are they my parents, but they are my brother and sister in Christ. How awesome is that?! My husband baptized my parents, with their three grandchildren looking on. It was such a glorious moment and one of the most precious in my see my parents, who I prayed for so many years, professing faith in Christ and getting baptized in our church.

I praise God for His love and grace to our family. I thank Him for giving me such good parents and for sending salvation into our home. I pray that we will have many, many more years with my parents. Family is a special gift from God. We should take the time to show others how much we appreciate them. I want to do that more.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen to your comments. I've been realizing the same with my parents lately;it doesn't take much effort on my part to please them and now as the parents (hubby and I) of grown sons I appreciate the ways our sons and duaghter-in-law show that they appreciate us.

1:21 p.m.  
Blogger Heather said...

that was nice to read
just wondered how many tissues you used while typing that though.
i heard the sound of tears several times throughout that post.

3:07 p.m.  
Blogger Heather said...

and to the anonymous writer above (cough "SB" cough)
we do appreciate you.
no more said or it will bring this blog to tears.

3:10 p.m.  
Blogger the bishop's wife said...

Yes....I have been known to cry in some circumstances. lol

2:08 p.m.  

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