Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Tips from the Pros

No, I am not the pro. This tidbit was gleaned from a weightloss website. I am not claiming that they are healthy tips, but they are tips nonetheless.

Water! Drink lots of it.

DON'T stick to one set number of calories; variation tricks metabolism!

If you feel like eating...take a warm shower/bath or brush/floss your teeth.

Frozen Meals are a great way to count exact amount of calorie intake in one meal.

Dont eat one thing constantly! (ex. only apples for a month) [DOH!!]

Take vitamins.

Green tea has been proven to increase the metabolism... drink it!

You know what I find amusing? No matter what plan you follow, which tricks or tips you try to do, the bottom line is always the same....eat less, exercise more, drink water. That about sums it up, doesn't it? Curious how we have such a difficult time doing that though, isn't it?

Since the Golden Globes were on last night, the web is filled with photos of starlets accomanied by comments being made about their hair, their choice of gowns and of course their weight. This photo of Jennifer had the following caption, "Here is Jennifer Love Hewitt, who seemed to make quite the mistake in selecting her gown. She looks beautiful and radiant as always, but the dress highlights all of the weight she has gained in the past year or so." My goodness...if that woman is an example of *all the weight she has gained* there is no hope for any of us!!

As for myself...I am down an even 12 lbs now. :)


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