Saturday, May 06, 2006

O Canada!!!

Canada Most Honoured Nation at Virginia International Tattoo

Over 800 musicians and artists from around the world performed at the Virginia International Tattoo April 28-30, in Norfolk, Virginia, where Canada was celebrated for the fourth time as the Most Honoured Nation. This is the largest Tattoo in the United States. Canada had 200 participants from the bands from 3ASG Gaegetown, 2RCR, 2 CMBG, 222eR, and a flag party and escorts from Royal Military College. Other Canadian participation included the RCMP dismounted calvary drill troop, the Delta Polics Pipe Band from Vancouver and the Schiehallion dancers from Hamilton.

The term "tattoo" derives from the cries of the 17th and 18th century European Low Country innkeepers, who, as the pipes and drums of the local regiment signalled a return to the barracks, would yell, "Doe den tap toe!"- "Turn of the taps!" The sound of the "taps" caused the innkeeper's customers (ie: soldiers) to depart and return to their quarters. The word "tattoo" evolved over time and now signifies a ceremonial performance of military music by massed bands.


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