Thursday, March 30, 2006

Murdering and Killing

I just recently joined a Right to Life group. I did this for a number of reasons. I believe it is imperative that we who are Christians should make it known that human beings are made in the image of God. I believe we should be speaking up for the unborn and try to slow the tide of evil that is so pervasive in North America. To think that it is legal to murder a child by tearing it apart in the mothers womb and then throw the pieces of that little person into the garbage is astounding. Abortion is a heinous crime and we should stand up against it. We should have a righteous anger and seek to do something constructive to fight against it. This anger is real but should always be expressed in a manner that will not bring shame to the name of Christ whom we serve.

The Canadian Harp Seal Hunt has been in the news lately. There is a worldwide outrage because Canada allows hunters to kill these seals for use of their pelts. They say it is inhuman to kill the seals. They do not like to see them clubbed or shot. They say it is cruel. Yet, these same people will cheer on the murdering of children declaring abortion the *right* of the woman. Women have the *right* to murder children because they are inconvenient but hunters do not have the *right* to kill animals to make use of their pelts. What a sad commentary on our society. Those made in the image of God have been demoted to inconvenience and animals have become the crowning glory of creation in the eyes of those who hold that humanistic worldview.


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