Friday, March 17, 2006

How to Abort Your Baby

I am so deeply disturbed by what I have read. As a Christian I know I should not be surprised at the depravity of mankind, but it astounds me nonetheless. *The Bishop* is going through Romans on Sunday mornings and it is right before our eyes in the Scriptures. Read Romans HERE But meeting this atrocity face to face is horrifying.

I am talking about a woman who has put "An Abortion Manual" on her blog in response to South Dakota's ban on abortions. I do not want to link to that blog because it is exceedingly offensive but I will post an excerpt:

The first step is to break the membrane holding the fetus inside. You can feel around with the forceps for it. To get an idea of what each part looks like -- and to see the texture so that you understand better how it will feel -- I recommend looking at books with photographs of first trimester fetuses (personal recommendation for its astonishing photographs: A Child is Born), The membrane should be easily broken with the forceps. Depending on how far along the pregnancy is, varying quantities of clear or pinkish fluid may come from the vagina. As you grasp the sac with your forceps, twist it away so that it detaches. You will now need to remove small pieces of fetal material and membrane from the uterus with the forceps. Some of these pieces will be distinctly identifiable as fetal material. Save the material until the end of the procedure on a piece of plastic, so that you can be sure the entire fetus has been removed. If doing this sounds too ethically challenging, remember that fetuses do not have the capacity to feel actual pain until the third trimester. You are not "hurting" it, and it has no awareness, nor the capacity for awareness, that you are extracting it.

The sections that I have in bold are mind boggling. Paraphrasing it would sound something like this, "Go look at these beautiful photos of babies in the womb first, then tear the child out of the mother's womb. Once you have all the pieces, make sure you put it back together like a puzzle to confirm that you have ripped out every bit of that baby. However, if you are having human emotions and can't deal with it ethically at that time, assure yourself that the child isn't feeling pain and has no awareness that you are murdering it with the mother's consent. "

Pro-Choice people, conservatives and Christians have been writing to her. She has displayed some very hateful material that are in those emails. I am hoping that most of those hateful emails and comments are coming from those who are obviously against abortion, but are not claiming to be followers of Christ. There is a holy and righteous anger...and we should be experiencing it with evils like abortion. However, we should not be sinning in our anger. We should not be hurling insults and death threats at this woman. She is definitely promoting evil with her feminist ideology and especially in giving a How To Manual on killing babies...but she needs Jesus Christ. He is the only one who can change her heart. We should be praying for this woman who is having such an influence on multitudes of people.


Blogger Gordon said...

This is gut-wrenching. The depravity of man without God truly knows no limits.

9:56 a.m.  

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